Entradas de Gonzalo Saenz

Una nueva visión del impacto del turismo caribeño

Una destacada responsable del turismo caribeño desea que los ciudadanos de la región obtengan más beneficios del sector turístico, lo que se traduciría en una mayor «riqueza generacional» para los residentes de la región. En su intervención en la primera Conferencia Mundial sobre la Resiliencia del Turismo, celebrada en Kingston…

A New Vision for the Impact of Caribbean Tourism

A leading Caribbean tourism official wants to see Caribbean nationals derive more benefits from the tourism industry, leading to greater “generational wealth” for residents of the region. Speaking at the first Global Tourism Resilience Conference, which was held in Kingston, Jamaica last week, Jamaican hotelier Nicola Madden-Greig said this goal…

Study Finds American Workers Ready for Business Travel Return

North America, Updates
A new study found that 77 percent of business travelers and 64 percent of employed Americans are ready to bring back business travel. According to a survey from American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA), the majority of business travelers said the increased reliance on virtual work has negatively impacted both…