Why This Tropical Latin American Country Is Surging In Popularity Right Now

South AmericaUpdates

October 10. Latin America is more popular than it’s ever been now, and a growing number of U.S. travelers are looking for cheaper yet just-as-incredible alternatives to their overpriced, overcrowded favorite holiday destinations.

From Brazil’s azure Atlantic Coast to the resort zones of the Colombian Caribbean, the subcontinent is experiencing a major increase in tourism, but one country in particular is making headlines due to its tropical nature and lower-than-average consumer prices.

This year, if it’s a sunny getaway that will not break the bank you’re after, maybe Guatemala could fit that criteria.

Guatemala may be one of the smallest nations in Latin America, located in the central isthmus that divides both the Northern and Southern parts of the New World, but it suffers from no shortage of manmade and natural wonders.

It is a country of vast jungle reserves, virgin beaches, vibrant cities, and well-preserved pre-Columbian heritage, including Mayan ruins.

Other than its ancient heritage, Guatemala is the perfect winter escape as it boasts year-round warm weather. Lying along the Tropics line, it has overwhelmingly humid summers and hot, dry winters.

This year, Guatemala is expecting to host 2.45 million tourists, 96% of pre-pandemic levels, proving the country is regaining its popularity following two and a half years of enforcing strict entry controls.

Source: Travel off Path


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