Why Caribbean countries struggle to attract climate-friendly investors

North AmericaUpdates

November 9. Caribbean countries are on a mission to attract investments in climate-friendly projects. In October, the region’s export agency held a conference to attract green capital, but while momentum is building, some challenges remain.

Pristine beaches infested with invasive seaweed, vicious hurricanes destroying whole islands, and shrinking coastlines due to rising sea levels. Despite being some of the lowest greenhouse gas-emitting countries in the world, Caribbean islands are heavily affected by climate change. But they do not have enough financial resources and skills to address the issue.

“We’re feeling the brunt of climate change,” Damie Sinanan, manager of competitiveness and export production at the Caribbean Export Development Agency, told Devex. “Whenever there’s a natural disaster, our businesses are hit very hard and it’s very hard to rebound.”

Source: Devex


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