Entradas de Gonzalo Saenz

¿Por qué se retrasan los vuelos?

Norteamérica, Novedades
12 de Abril. Si ha volado desde la pandemia, es probable que haya sufrido al menos un retraso o cancelación de vuelo durante sus viajes. Puede parecer que estas situaciones ocurren con más frecuencia ahora que antes de la pandemia. Los datos proporcionados por FlightAware muestran que, en general, las…

Why do flights get delayed?

North America, Updates
April 12. If you’ve flown at all since the pandemic, you’ve likely experienced at least one flight delay or cancellation throughout your travels. It may seem like these situations occur more frequently now than before the pandemic. Data provided by FlightAware shows that, broadly, things are about the same as…

Mexico too dangerous for spring break, Texas officials say

Central America, Updates
March 12. Authorities in the US state of Texas have advised American citizens not travel to Mexico during the spring break holidays for security reasons. The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) said that drug cartel violence represented a significant threat for anyone crossing into Mexico. It comes after four…